Thursday, January 24, 2013

I woke up in AFRICA today!

I also woke up in Africa yesterday too haha but it just sounded cool to say.  I've been kind of keeping a journal of the things I've been doing so when it comes to blogging I'll remember everything that's going on.  Internet access is pretty limited (as in - unlimited wifi is not even a thing) so thankfully for you I have to keep this post short.  I'm at an internet cafe with some friends enjoying a glass of wine (so classy, I know).  Some things I've picked up so far:

-You have to get used to the guys whistling at you when you walk down the street.  There are these white van-like taxis taxis that have guys in them that basically hoot and holler at everyone to get people to get in, but they really like females.

-Everything is on "Africa time". Aka nothing is on time at all. Even when there's a set time, it still doesn't happen until 45 minutes later. I'm really enjoying this and actually think its a very healthy way to live, maybe not the most efficient but it's so relaxing and stress-free.

-There is no such thing as a pedestrian right of way. Learned this the hard way when we almost got hit numerous times the past 2 days. Lesson learned. Crosswalks are key.

I'm running out of Internet (eek!) so this is it for today! To come: updates on Table Mountain visit (one of the seven natural wonders of the world), Cape Town first day, and updates on what I've been doing and learning about for the past 2 days (so much)! ll also include some pictures. In the midst of planning our Garden Route trip and Up the Creek music festival next week!!

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like a wonderfully relaxing place! South African wine is the best!!! Bring some home in your suitcase! Makes great gifts! :))) Mama V
