Saturday, January 26, 2013

Public Transportation is fun!

During the past 3 days, I’ve gotten a decent idea for how transportation works around here.  I was worried about it at first, but now everything seems much more manageable!  There are basically 4 ways to get around – walk, take the train, call a cab, or take a mini bus.  The first is easy.  As long as you’re not walking alone at night, it’s pretty safe near campus.  If it’s an unfamiliar area it’s always better to have others as well.  Don’t worry Papa, I use the buddy system a lot and usually there are guys there too so it’s not particularly unsafe. 

The second means of transportation is the train.  There are 2 train stops within a 5 minute walk from where I live so that’s super convenient.  You go up to the station, pay for a ticket, and get on.  There’s a first class car, which costs 2 rand more and that is what we’ve been doing as it is safer.  Obviously, the train is only safe during the day and that’s another place where big groups are needed and you really have to watch your purse.  Don’t worry, there’s no Tsotsi action going on!  As long as you make smart choices it’s safe and a good/easy way to get around.  It costs about 8 rand (less than $1) to get from campus to the central city of Cape Town and it probably takes about 12 minutes to get there.  The first time we rode the train, we went with our South African RA, but yesterday a group of 5 girls and I went on our own and felt really accomplished that we’re figuring out how to get around out here!

Calling a cab is another way to get around.  It’s easy and very safe.  It’s basically the equivalent of calling a cab company here and arranging a pick up spot.  It’s a well-organized business and is very professional.  This is the best way to get around at night for sure and still isn’t too expensive.  A ten-minute drive to a club in a nice area of town the other night cost me and three other friends about $2 each.

The last way to get around in Cape Town is via mini bus.  Today was a big day.  Why may you ask?  Because Hannah and I first used the mini bus to get around.  We felt pretty accomplished.  I’ve included a picture below for your viewing pleasure.  It was our lucky day because we got the party van.  Usually the buses are plain white, so this one is an anomaly.  We listened to Girl on Fire and Gangnam Style on our ride on FULL BLAST.  The car was actually shaking.  Also, did I mention that there were 16 people crammed into this thing?  Well, there were.  It was pretty cool.  It only cost us about 75 cents for what was a 30 minute walk!  The mini bus is great during the day and with a group.  Would never ride it alone or at night, but it’s a great way to get around at an inexpensive price!  The guys in the buses are the ones that yell at you when you’re walking on the street, but I’ve noticed they yell at everyone.  It’s pretty normal for them to drive by and yell all the way down the street.  They have specific pick up and drop off points, but if you’re driving and you wave them down, they’re happy to pull over so you can jump in.

It’s pretty cool being able to explore and get to know the city/country.  It feels like something I would’ve thought was impossible when I was young, but would’ve really wanted to do.  I feel really independent in being able to figure these things out on my own and I love the experience of getting thrown in to something completely foreign and making it my own.  The next use of public transportation will be learning to take the Jammie (the school shuttle) to get around campus and into Cape Town.  Looking forward to the next adventure!

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