Monday, March 18, 2013

A quick disclaimer


I just wanted to write a quick something just so you know what's going on.  I promise I haven't forgotten about my blog at all!  In fact, I have about 4 or 5 posts that I'm halfway through writing, but I'm not just ready to post.  Things have been so hectic the past few days/week.  Not stressful hectic, just keeping me very busy.  I have a history paper due this Wednesday (which is eating away my time) so I probably won't be able to post until after it's turned it, but I promise (underlined that for emphasis) I'll post before I leave for Botswana and Zimbabwe this Friday!!

To throw you a few bones, my upcoming posts are about:

-My homestay in Ocean View
-The CIEE Living and Learning class/my cultural partner/my expectations/etc.
-Last weekend's tea party, shopping adventure, and Robben Island
-This weekend's food exploration, Cape Town Carnival, and discovery of the coolest and most beautiful restaurant/bar ever
-All the cool words I'm learning and the overall lingo down here.

In other news, I started taking my malaria pills last Saturday for my upcoming spring break trip - WOOHOO!  So that's fun.

Fun fact: apparently the library doesn't open until 8 am here.  That's weird. Whatever happened to 24 hour library service?

Oh and PS - I saw Mitch last weekend!!  (For those of you who don't know her because you don't go to GW, she's a friend from my sorority who I went to that leadership camp with last summer).

Ok, I've got to return to Jagger Library aka the most beautiful, quiet library ever so I can continue my essay about the social, racial, and class-oriented hierarchy that existed in 18th century Cape Town.  I promise you'll hear from me soon! :)

1 comment:

  1. So good to see the word "STUDY" from "Study Abroad" has been used. Hayley also just mentioned "Study" this week for the first time. LOL.

    Good to see your voyage is still finding new and exciting experiences to share. Keep em coming...
